Business is about efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and profitability. This is about people -
your staff. Their attitudes, beliefs, business acumen all influence the bottom line. Therefore, we need to enhance people’s coping skills,
learning and professional
development, commitment
and willingness to stretch.
We have various programs
to facilitate the developmental
needs of people in business,
whether it's coaching, training,
workplace facilitation or mediation,
or they need professional
counselling Barrington e2e
can help further your business
through helping your staff to become
more productive.
Barrington e2e has proven success in FMCG, Construction, Entertainment, Media, Educational, Finance, Retail, Manufacturing and Transport businesses.
We are successful because:
1. Our work is specific and clearly defined to all key stakeholders.
2. Our outcomes are tangible and measurable. The outcomes are not subjective but
++objective. The measurements are established at the beginning of the business
3. Our targets and outcomes are achievable for all stakeholders. We establish a
++platform for success.
4. Our goals, programs and outcomes are realistic. We identify the current situation,
++identify what goals or expectations the business has and how they can be
++realistically achieved.
5. Barrington e2e has specific timeframes for success.